A+ Royal Nails & Spa | Professional nail salon in Haverhill, MA 01832


Please be kind and respectful to your nail technician and staff. Any clients that we deem inappropriate or displaying inappropriate behavior will be asked to leave.

Regular polish and 3D Nail Art are NOT guaranteed. We will be happy to fix your nails provided notice not more than 24-48 hours after your service. Additional fixes after 24-48 hours will be subject to charge.

Please be sure of what service you would like and the price value of that service. Switching services after one had almost been completed will be an additional charge due to the time and effort spent by the technician.

Gel and dip MAY last up to 2 weeks and even longer depending on personal nail care. Your nails are NOT tools, please take good care of them. We will ONLY guarantee these services for 5 days. Any issues notified to us after 5 days will be subject to charge.

The salon is a place for clients to relax. Please be courteous of others around you and KEEP PHONES ON VIBRATE/SILENT. If needed to make a phone call, kindly step outside to do so. Refrain from using phones during the service as it makes it difficult for technicians to do their job.

Please help our salon by making payments/gratuity in cash, if possible. There is an ATM available in the salon and has a surcharge of 25 CENTS. We are not responsible for charges made by your personal bank. If you would like to add gratuity on the card, please let us know BEFORE we charge. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and A+ Royal Nails & Spa LLC gift certificates. NO CHECKS OR AMERICAN EXPRESS.

If you have an appointment with a specific technician or would like to request a specific technician, please notify the front desk AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Please be sure of your color choice. Changing colors MORE THAN 2 TIMES WILL BE subject to charge.

If you are dissatisfied with the service our team has provided, please notify the front desk immediately before you leave. Leaving means you are 100% satisfied with the service and will not be able to get them fixed without charge. We will not redo any service simply because you have changed your mind.

Services and gift certificates are NON-REFUNDABLE.

We ARE NOT responsible for any personal items that may have been lost/damaged while in the salon or has been left behind.

Please notify the front desk of any health conditions or allergies that the technician should be informed of to provide you a safe service.